Content originally published in 2016.
We are already counting down to the closing ceremony and award for the 8th edition of the Agriness Award for The Best Swine Producer contest, which takes place during INFO360, on April 14.
This year, Agriness Best of Pig Farming had the participation of 1,145 Brazilian farms, which together account for 871,094 sows. In Argentina, where the contest has its second edition, there were 78 registered farms and 43,841 sows.
Audits performed, results evaluated and the time has come to present the nominees for the award. This year will be awarded those farmers with the best weaned/female/year rate in 5 categories in Brazil.
Check the names of the farms and farmers nominated for the award in each category, in alphabetical order:
Auditorias realizadas, resultados avaliados e chegou a hora de apresentar os indicados para a premiação. Este ano serão premiados os produtores com o melhor índice de desmamados/fêmea/ano em 5 categorias no Brasil.
Confira os nomes das granjas e produtores indicados para o prêmio em cada categoria, em ordem alfabética:
Up to 300 sows
- Chácara Vó Ita – Mateus Simão e Filhos (Castro/PR)
- Granja JMC Paludo – Jucimar Paludo (Seara/SC)
- Suinocultura Bom Retiro – Amauri Pinto Costa (Pouso Alto/MG)
From 301 to 500 sows
- Granja Baccarin – Aldir João Baccarin (Protásio Alves/RS)
- Rancho Santa Tereza – Jorge Aparecido Moretto (Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo/SP)
- Unidade Itapiranga – Schoeler Suínos (Itapiranga/SC)
From 501 to 1000 sows
- Fazenda Várzea do Pau D´Alho – Joaquim Campos Pereira (Lima Duarte/MG)
- Granja Bela Vista – Luciano Salgado Arantes (Urucânia/MG)
- Granja Rhaetia 101 – Wienfried Matthias Leh (Guarapuava/PR)
From 1001 to 3000 sows
- Granja Capivari – AG AGRO Agricultura, Suinocultura e Pecuária (Bom Despacho/MG)
- Penalva – Manoel Teixeira Lopes (Valadares/MG)
- Unidade Jaborá – Schoeler Suínos (Jaborá/SC)
Above 3000 sows
- Granja Becker – Milton Becker (Quatro Pontes/PR)
- Granja Perazzoli – Agropecuária Perazzoli (Fraiburgo/SC)
- Master Curitibanos – Master Agropecuária Ltda (Curitibanos/SC)
In Argentina, the nominees for the general award are, in alphabetical order:
- Cerdos Delta – Mateo Alberto Risso (Victoria/E.R.)
- El Hinojo – El Hinojo (Aranguren/E.R.)
- La Sucho – Benjamin O’Dwyer (Arroyo Barú/E.R.)
The first places of each category, as well as the consolidated data of the 8th edition, will be disclosed at the closing award ceremony, which will take place next Thursday, April 14, from 18h, in the event INFO360.
Follow the announcements of the award during the INFO360 coverage on Agriness social media.
After the event, all data and winners will be available on Agriness Award for The Best Swine Producer website.