Video games with the most online players in 2023
Video games are experiencing their own particular technological revolution, with more and more companies investing economic and human resources in their development. There are more and more online video games in this world, so in this article we are going to make a selection of the most popular and exciting games that you can play online in 2023. Read even more information about the most popular games in the world right now on this website.
Since its launch in 2017, it has become one of the most popular games in the world, with new players joining Fortnite games every day.
Its game system is familiar to many users who play classics like Call OF Duty or Valorant. However, this online video game is divided into different game modes including Battle Royale, Save the World and Creative. However, what makes Fortnite special is the customization of the games created in it, as the players themselves can build structures in real time during the game, so each game develops in a unique and different way.the previous one.
To build structures, players can collect resources such as wood, metal, and bricks, which allow them to build defensive and offensive structures such as towers, ramps, and walls. This crafting skill allows players to be more creative and tactical in their approach to the game and adds a unique strategic dimension to the game.
In addition, the game contains constant new features, so the parent company, Epic Games, does not stop offering new tools, such as weapons, skins, game modes and online events, which opens up new challenges and gaming opportunities.
Valorant is one of the games that has gained a real army of followers all over the world in a short time. Developed by Riot Games, this game is a first-person shooter where players are divided into two teams of five players each. One team takes on the role of attackers, while the other team defends. The goal of the attacking team is to plant a bomb (Skite) in a certain place on the map and defend it until it explodes. On the other hand, the defending team must prevent the attackers from planting the bomb or defuse it if it has already been planted. Players can choose from a variety of characters called Agents, each with unique abilities and different play styles.
This game, unlike classic gun games, is based on the importance of good strategy and teamwork, as all members of the two teams perfectly structure their attacks and defenses to win the game. On the playing field, players must use all its resources.
Finally, another feature of it is the weapon acquisition and procurement system, where both teams have a limited budget and must purchase weapons and equipment at the beginning of each round, which is one of the iconic and distinctive elements of Valorant.
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Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite takes place after the events of Halo 5: Guardians, where players will take control of Master Chief and embark on an epic new adventure to save the galaxy from the threat of the Covenant.
One of the strengths of Halo infinite is the player mode, which is one of the reasons why Halo reached a new dimension. This mode includes a wide variety of customization options, including a variety of weapons, skills, and equipment that players can use to customize their playstyle.
With its dynamic development and open world, it allows players to explore all elements of the Halo universe, full of challenges and encounters with enemies that can attack them in a thousand different ways, preventing them from continuing to progress in the game. In addition, you can find many weapons and use vehicles, which gives an additional quality to your games. In addition, the new online mode includes a new game engine that generates higher image fidelity and more active elements on the screen at the same time. Finally, we can't forget about another of Halo's strengths, namely the fun and user-friendliness of the game.
League of Legends
League of Legends, also known as LoL, is one of the most popular online games in the world and has a large online community that faithfully follows the company's events, such as the League of Legends World Cup.
The gameplay of League of Legends is incredibly addictive. His work is based on a strategy game where two teams of five players compete on a virtual battlefield with different characters with certain powers in different areas of the map. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy's main structure, known as the Nexus, where each player with their champion must destroy the defense points with the help of bots.
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