A perfect fusion: art and technology
Technology has reached every area of our lives to transform and improve processes. Art was not immune to this revolution and took advantage of it in creative processes.
Art and technology may seem like completely different disciplines; However, today they are more connected than ever, especially because technological progress has become a fundamental element for the development and creation of new artistic expressions.
More and more artists are using technology at various times in their creative process, whether during planning or as their own model of expression. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, 360-degree video, open source and 3D printing are all elements that help an artist capture an idea or create a new proposition.
Various experts agree that the language changed during the creation of the work of art. Now it's much easier to tell a story thanks to all the digital and visual elements that technological advancements provide.
For example, virtual reality allows viewers to explore the work in a different way. You don't just observe how it is placed in some place or museum, but through the viewer you can immerse yourself in the setting and become a part of it. Read how digital art is reshaping the creative world in this article: https://www.chiangraitimes.com/tech/unraveling-the-nft-phenomenon-how-digital-art-is-reshaping-the-creative-world/.
Real art?
Throughout history and until recently, it was the elite who participated primarily in the development and creation of art. The rest of society simply enjoyed the masterpieces.
Now, thanks to the Internet and new technologies for production, mixing, editing, manipulation, and distribution, it's easier to create things and share them with the world, even though it makes finding high-quality art more difficult. What becomes popular is not necessarily good.
According to various art critics, new technologies should lead to new forms of expression and support creative and imaginative processes.
Greater impact
Curator Hans Ulrich Obrist, co-director of the Serpentine Gallery, once said that the future of art cannot be predicted: “I don't think we can predict or determine the future of art. This is the famous "surprise me" by Diaghilev and Cocteau; great art always surprises us, it takes us to the least expected place."
And one of the places where art has gone is the Internet. More and more artists use various platforms to exhibit and sell their work, some even resort to the famous crowdfunding to raise money and realize their ideas.
In 2011 alone, the crowdfunding website Kickstarter raised nearly $100 million in contributions for more than 27,000 art-related projects.
Artists are also using social media as a powerful tool to change their relationship with collectors and the general public. It is easier for them to determine what kind of art each person needs. A complete guide on how to convert Ethereum is already on this resource.
Some advantages
The combination of technology and art makes culture easier to access, meaning more people can learn about works, stories and artistic details from around the world.
More and more museums are putting part of their collections on various platforms so that the public can learn about them without traveling or leaving their homes. In addition, new technological tools are encouraged for contemporary artistic creativity.
Art and Technology in Mexico
The multimedia center was the first space in the country to provide technology to the various artist communities in Mexico and Latin America. This site offers a variety of residency and exhibition programs where 3D printing and artificial intelligence are important.
The Alameda Art Lab is another venue that also considers artistic proposals that combine elements of art, science and technology. It was founded in Mexico City in 2000 and is directed by Tanya Aedo. This space seeks to demonstrate that technology can be productive and transformative when developing a technology offering.
In the world
On June 21, 2018, the grand opening of the world's first digital museum took place in Tokyo: MORI Building Digital Art Museum: TeamLab Borderless. It consists of an exhibition showcasing nearly 60 works by the Japanese digital art collective TeamLab.
It took the team three years to prepare a 10,000 square meter space with 520 computers and 470 projectors to create all the scenarios that the audience can interact with.
Robots leave rooms, forming connections and relationships with people. Visitors can even touch some parts and even change them using the mobile app.
Queremos ter as melhores pessoas com
a gente
Para nós melhores pessoas são aquelas com quem compartilhamos os mesmos valores: qualidade, profissionalismo, responsabilidade, comprometimento, honestidade, simplicidade e justiça; aquelas que estão dispostas a somar e unir esforços para gerar valor para as pessoas que vivem do agronegócio e que se sintam conectadas com o nosso propósito: o de impulsionar a prosperidade no campo!
Se identifica com a gente? Vem ser Agriness!
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Iniciei na Agriness como estagiário, ainda no meu primeiro semestre da faculdade, e seis meses depois fui efetivado. Aqui encontrei uma empresa disposta a dar uma oportunidade para iniciantes ingressarem no mercado de trabalho e desenvolverem suas habilidades e competências técnicas. O aprendizado e a troca de experiência e conhecimento com o time é diária. Espero continuar contribuindo com a empresa e aprender cada vez mais aqui dentro".
Marcelino Jannuzzi
Desenvolvedor de Software

Entrei na Agriness desde 2013, em uma posição inicial na área comercial. Com o apoio do meu time - e dos meus próprios esforços - fui conquistando o domínio sobre o negócio, confiança e cada vez mais responsabilidade. Assim fui progredindo de cargo conforme minhas entregas e méritos.
Também tive a oportunidade de me inserir e contribuir na construção de áreas, processos, projetos, produtos e eventos, o que me ajudou ainda mais a conhecer o negócio. Estar aqui é estar aberto a ouvir, a participar e se envolver. Todo dia é dia de aprendizado nessa prazerosa e desafiadora jornada de crescimento".
Mariani Oliveira
Gerente de Relacionamento

"Tenho orgulho imenso em pertencer a essa empresa. A Agriness respeita as pessoas, tem simplicidade e proximidade com todos, o que faz com que eu me sinta em casa.
Atuamos em um segmento de destaque que se moderniza constantemente e nossas soluções de tecnologia contribuem nessa evolução, não só no Brasil mas em diversos países. Aqui temos um ambiente de construção colaborativa, acreditamos que a contribuição de todos nos leva à melhor solução, além de gerar uma química fantástica nas equipes."
Ricardo Henn
Coordenador de TecnologiaNossos benefícios
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