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When can I use the method of squeezing out dents without varnishing?

Passenger cars can be subject to various kinds of accidents – chips, bumps, collisions and abrasions of the body – this is everyday life on the roads. Weather conditions also affect the condition of our car - heavy hail can leave dents that are difficult to remove. How to deal with this by reducing the cost of bodywork and painting work? Sometimes you can use the method of removing dents without varnishing.What is a dent putty without varnishing?
To explain what a dent removal method without varnish is, let's start by explaining traditional dent removal methods. Usually , the removal of the dent is possible with the help of putty . Thanks to this, it is possible to level the damaged surface, then sand and apply a new varnish corresponding to the shade with which the car is covered. This is a simple method, but tedious and often leaves minimal visual traces of interference. It is not expensive, but it reduces the market value of the car, since the thickness of the paint can be checked with a special probe.On the other hand, filling dents without varnishing is a minimally invasive method. True, its use is possible only in certain cases, but visual effects and almost imperceptible traces of interference are its undoubted advantages. The technique that allows you to remove dents without varnishing and putty is to straighten the dents from the underside of the car body.
Is it possible to apply this method to every dent?
Unfortunately not. This modern method will not work in the case of dents on the roof, as it will require the removal of the soffit. It is also not suitable for straightening dents with sharp bends. So when can it be applied? Stuffing dents is perfect in case of damage to the hood of the car, trunk lid or deformation of the wings and doors. The visual effect is certainly more satisfactory, but, as already mentioned, only for minor defects. More serious dents should still be treated with classical methods. Try out demo versions of casino slots at Casino Demo Slots and enjoy the excitement.

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