Five reasons to play Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade
The remake of the cult Final Fantasy VII Remake by Friv2Online Studio received a native version for PS5, and also got the Intergrade add-on, which introduces new characters to the story. We talk about the improvements and innovations of the next-gen version of the game.
Released in 2020, the remake of the famous jRPG Final Fantasy VII was highly appreciated by critics and players, who noted the courage of the scriptwriters who decided to change the familiar story, as well as prettier graphics and a radically redesigned combat system.
However, the friv game also had problems - mostly of a technical nature: for example, very slow loading of textures, due to which the scenes periodically turned into solid "soap". Yes, and minute downloads were not encouraging.
Released for PS5, Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade corrects these shortcomings: now saves load instantly, the picture pleases with 4K resolution, and the ill-fated door to Cloud's room is finally drawn as it should.
The level of detail of locations has also increased, lighting has been improved, fog has been added, and there are even more particles flying in all directions in battles! The friv game offers two picture modes: the first gives priority to 4K and beautiful graphics, while the second focuses on performance and stable 60 fps. Given that we are, in fact, a slasher, a high frame rate comes in handy.
Owners of Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS4 can get the Intergrade Edition at no additional cost by going to the PS Store and downloading the update. If you have a disc version of the friv game, then you will need a console with a drive to upgrade. If you wish, you can transfer saves from the PS4 version to the PS5 version.
DLC FF7R Episode INTERmission was released only on PS5. This is a new story chapter dedicated to new characters - teenage ninja Yuffie Kisaragi and her partner Sonon Kasakabe, as well as members of the Avalanche organization that did not appear in the original friv game. We get to see Tifa, Barret and other characters from Final Fantasy VII Remake, but briefly - this time the story revolves around other heroes. And they will certainly return in the continuation of the remake.
Yuffie is a materia hunter, and when she learns that a particularly powerful materia is located at the Shinra Corporation headquarters, she travels there. As expected, a fun adventure at the beginning of the storyline becomes more and more dramatic, and the ending, believe me, will squeeze a tear out of you. And do not rush to turn off the console during the credits - after them you will find a powerful scene that affects the events of the original friv game.
But back to addition. It's available straight from the main menu (meaning you don't have to go through the base FFVII), takes about four hours, and takes you through the slums of Midgar and Shinra's manufacturing facilities. This time, alas, there were no breathtaking views: the landscapes are predominantly urban and utilitarian, there is nothing to stare at.
On the other hand, combat deserves attention. Yuffie is armed with a huge shuriken, which is equally well controlled in melee and ranged combat. Moreover, the girl perfectly controls the battlefield: if necessary, she can be attracted to the opponent, and even flying units are not a hindrance to her. And in addition to physical attacks, she also has magical ones, including elemental ones - in general, you will find where to roam. In addition, you can give commands to Sonon, and if you get too carried away with the battle and do not notice the loss of health, your partner will heal Yuffie without further reminders.
Finally, Episode INTERmission introduces the sticky Fort Condor mini-game. It's kind of like a hybrid of chess and tower defense, where you place your own fighters on the field and try to destroy the enemy's towers - who, in turn, wants to do the same to your towers.
The entertainment turned out to be unexpectedly deep: you can stay in the DLC for a couple of extra hours, fighting with rivals. The list of units and arenas is extensive, and defeated opponents will be reluctant to part with their favorites, which will replenish your army. However, Fort Condor is an optional activity, and if you don't want to devote time to it, then you don't have to.
A cheerful girl will surely win your heart. She spews jokes, is childishly offended if someone calls her a child, and periodically soaks such scenes that it is simply impossible not to laugh. A funny and cute character - certainly more interesting than the always gloomy and taciturn Cloud from the original friv game.
For those who were first introduced to Final Fantasy VII with the release of the remake, Yuffie and her friends will seem like newbies, but longtime fans of the Final Fantasy series, who have immersed themselves not only in its numbered parts, but also explored the numerous branches and spin-offs, will feel nostalgic for old times.
However, as you know, Final Fantasy VII Remake took the story on a new path, and now it's not entirely clear what awaits us in the sequels. Episode INTERmission adds a couple of pieces to this puzzle, and players, until the release of the second part of the remake, can only build theories.
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade and DLC Episode INTERmission are now available for sale on the PlayStation 5 console.
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