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Review of the film "Tenet"

Summer flew by, but there were no summer blockbusters familiar to us. Christopher Nolan undertook to save the world from this misfortune with the film "Tenet". And the master of creating charged, exponentially deep and incredibly beautiful films coped with his task perfectly. "Tenet" opens the movie season, flying into the rental schedules on a jet plane, and will please many viewers, even if not everything is as rosy as we would like.

Christopher Nolan likes to flirt with concepts that at first glance seem simple and unpretentious, remembering only a few levels of penetration into dreams. So it turned out this time, the creator decided to build a story around the passage of time in the opposite direction. However, instead of throwing the characters into the distant past or giving them the opportunity to slowly grow younger with him, he twisted everything into such a tangle that you can pick and pick with him.

Thanks to the assistance of future generations, our contemporaries received materials with reversible properties. Instead of falling, gold bars fly back into your hand, bullets return to the barrel of the gun, and the like. And the biggest problem is that the descendants have taught the modern arms dealer to reverse objects and creatures in time on his own. However, one thing is a little richer than we would like, and quite another is a threat to all mankind. Because such games eventually lead to nothing other than total destruction. This is where the main protagonist enters the game. And the dancing begins.

A significant part of the steepness of the picture is hidden just the same in the described. Christopher Nolan may like to overdo it with twisting plot intricacies, but his love of thinking through central concepts is exciting. It would seem that reversibility and reversibility, what's the big deal? Move back in time and replay the events of the past days in your favor. But everything is not so simple, because the world around us opposes this, such a course of things is unusual for him and any mistake can be fatal for the heroes. The need to walk in oxygen masks so as not to suffocate, the possibility of performing back and forth operations and brave attempts to bypass another version of yourself - all this is in the picture and is done in such a way that you involuntarily lose your lower jaw.

The team that staged the scenes and practiced all the filmed fights are the superheroes among us. It is their work that makes you lose faith in your eyes and forget that there is a bucket of popcorn on your lap. The fight between two characters, one of whom moves forward in time and the other backwards, is so cool that it was not a problem to watch it twice from different points of view. And car chases, where actors and stuntmen had to manage not just with a colleague on the set, but also with huge pieces of iron at speed - this is generally a fairy tale. And it would seem that in two and a half hours of timing, where the moment should have come when the concept would work itself out and what was shown would cease to surprise. But not in this case, the "Tenet" continues to surprise more and more, forcing the brain to work actively in attempts to put the puzzle together. <li>Increase your terminal's productivity and safety with container terminal management system designed for modern challenges.</li>

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